Upcoming courses
CDRC offers a range of beginner and intermediate data analytics programmes for academic and non-academic researchers.
You may be eligible to apply for our Open Data Science Bursary – find out more.
Beginners Python (Leeds)
2 day course – CPD Certified
This two-day online course provides an introduction to Python programming with a focus on data analytics. The course will introduce some basics in Python programming such as data types, basic operations, data sequences and data structures, control flows, exceptions and object-oriented programming.
Python for Data Analysis (Leeds)
2 day course
This two-day in-person course is for participants who want to develop and hone their programming skills and learn how to use Python for Data Analysis. We’ll build your confidence using Python for data analysis projects covering setting up your coding environment, project workflows and a number of approaches to analysis.
Introduction to QGIS (Leeds)
1 day course – CPD Certified
This one-day online course provides a practical introduction to QGIS: a free, open-source Geographic Information System. You will learn the principles underpinning vector-based geographic data analysis and learn to undertake tasks such as sourcing, loading and interrogating data; creating professional map outputs, preparing geographic data sets and undertaking spatial analysis.
GIS for Mapping (Leeds)
1 day course
This one day in-person course focusses on applied spatial analysis techniques and the production of high quality mapping outputs for participants who want to develop their GIS skills. We work with QGIS: a fee, open source Geographic Information System.
Introduction to R (Leeds)
Half day course – CPD Certified
Available online and in-person, this half-day course aims to provide you with an introduction to the analytical programming language R. During the course you will learn about the benefits of R, how it handles different data types and how you can begin to use R to solve complex data science, machine learning and statistical problems.
Intermediate R (Leeds)
1 day course – CPD Certified
Available online and in-person, this one-day course will follow on from the introductory course to the analytical programming language R. The course will focus on more advanced uses of R: parallelisation, reporting, interactive web apps with Shiny in R, and use of R on the Cloud using MS Azure.
Spatial Analysis for Public Health Researchers (Leeds)
1 day course – CPD Certified
As spatial data sets get larger, more sophisticated software needs to be harnessed for their analysis. This course introduces the basics of how R can be used for spatial data to generate a map of public health data (in a licenced and open source software).
Tableau Workshop for data visualisation (Leeds)
1 day course – CPD Certified
This 1-day interactive course provides a practical introduction to data visualization with Tableau Desktop, an industry-leading visualization tool. You will learn how to create effective visualizations by avoiding common mistakes and how to use Tableau by creating visualizations that range from bar and line charts to heat maps and geographic maps.
Geocomputation and Data Analysis with R (Leeds)
2 day course
The aim of this course is to get you up-to-speed with high performance geographic processing, analysis and visualisation capabilities from the command-line. The course will be delivered in R, and will teach a range of techniques using recent developments in the package sf and the ‘metapackage’ tidyverse.