Quantifying state-led gentrification in LondonLatest version of Access to Health Assets and Hazards (AHAH) releasedFuture High StreetsSupermarket Delivery Vehicle Routing OptimisationAreas most at risk of food insecurity in the cost of living crisis identified by CDRC and Which?CDRC releases new Nutrient Profile Model Calculator for HFSS legislationCDRC part of collaborative effort to curb Leeds’ food emissionsDiverse data scientists make for more representative data science Do healthy checkout strategies lead to healthier purchasing behaviour?CDRC affiliated researchers show how check-in activity between different venues can support urban planningResearchers demonstrate the value of consumer data for population dynamics and utilities research.CARTO add CDRC dataset to their Spatial Data Catalog and use it to explore UK retail centres« Previous123456…26Next »
CDRC affiliated researchers show how check-in activity between different venues can support urban planning